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    Let’s Make it Great!

    Hey Looksgreat!

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      A budget for this project is:

      less $20k$50-100k$100k+



      famous music label

      Let’s talk

      Overview test Upperground website for the electronic music label created by the world famous DJ duo Artbat, the website was created to get acquainted with the work of the artists of the label, and also has the ability to listen and download their latest releases.

      Corporate Website


      Digal strategy



      Develop a functional website for a music label with the ability to listen, download, and also release functionality for quick communication with the label team and the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the history of the creation of the label.


      Taking into account all the client’s requirements, we developed a digital strategy and website structure together with a wireframe, which allowed us to move on to developing the design part, starting with the MOBILE FIRS approach, after which the finished layouts were handed over to the developers for coding. During the coding process, we used the latest approaches both in animations and the server part for effective and fast operation of the website using React JS, JueJS, NodeJS, etc.

      Mobile First We develop almost all websites with a mobile approach, as now according to statistics, 80% of users use mobile devices to view websites


      Releases are the most important section of the website, therefore all functionality should be as convenient, simple and understandable for the user as possible, especially the downloading and listening functionality

      Events Automatic generation of the nearest events with brief information and posters allows users to easily select the nearest event and buy a ticket for it

      Approach In developing the site, we used the most effective approaches and marketing strategies for the target audience of the product and, based on this data, developed individual functionality and design

      1 - 4


      We have a lot of experience working in the music industry and with artists, so we know all the effective approaches for implementing any functionality, increasing the user audience, listening and purchasing releases

      Website in live

      Driving Results
      Driving Results

      1 - 4

      Total plays and listening on music platforms Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, wiht new website.


      Website visits per month


      Subscriptions to artist pages and playlists on music platforms


      Increase in organic traffic on the site


      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received





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