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Overview Corporate website for a hotel and restaurant complex located in the Bukovel ski resort with the possibility of booking apartments
Corporate Website
Digal strategy
Promo Website

Shpyci Hotel & Spa
Bukovel, UkraineFull Case Study
The main task of the website is to book apartments and familiarize yourself with the features of the hotel. Therefore, after a strategic session with the client, we developed effective approaches to implement this functionality
The field of booking hotels and apartments is extremely competitive, especially at ski resorts, so we have implemented the entire website with the most convenient and intuitive functionality for ease of use by all age-old categories of customers. We have perfectly implemented apartment introduction pages with the ability to full-screen view high-quality photographs and 3D tours, which increased the attractiveness and possibility of booking for customers

After conducting market research, we identified the most important sections to place on the main page, focusing on the most important functionality and minimizing minor sections so as not to distract the attention of customers.

The impression Full-screen viewing of photographs and videos of apartments and hotels allows the user to experience the incredible atmosphere and feel the quality of services, which greatly increases the percentage of conversion and booking of apartments on the site

Hotel & Spa
Using individual approaches in the development of digital products and highlighting the unique aspects of the brand, we have created an effective tool that allows the hotel to promote its services, stand out among competitors in the market and offer its individual product at a higher cost than its competitors.
The high cost of services makes it possible to improve their quality, thereby attracting a narrow but more paying audience of clients.

Innovation Expensive services require high innovation. In the process of developing the website, we used the latest coding technologies in combination with an elegant and clean design with a focus on the product itself.

Hospitality The Hospitality industry is a very developed, competitive and rapidly changing industry, so we develop strong digital products that can withstand competition and be the best in the industry because in great competition, customers always choose the best product.
Hospitality industry expertise
In the hospitality industry, digital products are playing one of the most important roles, so it is important to create digital products focused not on the vast existing experience in implementing the necessary functionality for effective sales of services and products, focused on effective market solutions taking into account great competition.
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