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    Let’s Make it Great!

    Hey Looksgreat!

      My name is:

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      A budget for this project is:

      less $20k$50-100k$100k+


      rhythms that

      excite the whole world

      Let’s talk

      Overview Website for world famous musician and DJ Miss Monique. Communication with your audience and promotion of promotional products and content has become convenient and effective with the new website.

      Corporate Website


      Digal strategy

      Promo Website



      Develop an effective website to promote promotional content and artist products, taking into account mainly the young audience of fans.


      By focusing our efforts on custom development of the interface and functionality of the website, we have developed effective solutions that allow the artist to increase the number of plays, downloads and subscriptions on the Spotify music platform. Spotify is the main platform for promoting new releases, so we have placed the Spotify API as the main player for listening to releases with the further ability to download and purchase releases on other platforms.

      Innovation The main feature of the website is switching between the latest releases and full sets from live performances of the artist using the API of the music platforms Spotify and Soundcloud.


      Spectacular design and dynamic updates of the artist’s upcoming events allow you to quickly buy event tickets and not miss new performances

      Live performances Having implemented the functionality of viewing live performances with the latest videos, we also added the ability to download full tracklists from each performance.

      Approach For an artist, it is always important to grow in popularity and attract a new audience of fans, so we use effective and individual strategies to ensure that the site is an effective tool for the growth of the artist and not just a biographical or informational one.

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      Individual approach

      We have a lot of experience working in the music industry and with artists, so we know all the effective approaches for implementing any functionality, increasing the user audience, listening and purchasing releases.

      Read research

      Driving Results
      Driving Results

      1 - 4

      New listens to releases on the Spotify music platform


      New listening releases on the Soundcloud music platform


      Increase in purchases of merchandising products


      New booking requests


      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received

      — Awards received




      Check out the incredible full case study on Behance
      Check out the incredible full case study on Behance

      Our cases on the site contain only basic information about working on products, so you can get acquainted in more detail with our approaches and their implementation in full cases on Behance.

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      Don't waste your time, business can't wait!

      Let’s Talk
